dread·ful ˈdredfəl/ adjective causing or involving great suffering, fear, or unhappiness; extremely bad or serious. -- That heart wrenching night, I thought he was done and I'd be forever alone. We should have never went to that temple. It completely changed everything. But ever since December 11, 2014, I thought I went crazy. He was there. He had always been there. The way his faint voice soothes my pain. I thought he was gone. Gone forever. It made me sick in the stomach when I saw his lifeless body laying on the ground. The wind softly blowing on his light brown hair. I thought I was alone, but I wasn't. Is possible to have his soul in somebody's body? His mysterious shadows that cast the night leaving me wanting more was dreadful. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2014 by bizzlexroseTodos os Direitos Reservados
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