His smiles come out as forced, behind each one of them is something people wouldn't believe he contained. He struggles to live up to their expectations, but 'fails' to, causing the disappointment found he has of himself radiate from him. He's tired, he can't take it anymore, because every piece of stress is building up on him. He's lost himself; and he just doesn't know how to find his way back to what he used to be. He is judged in every corner, causing him to isolate himself from everything and everyone that surrounds him. Different personalities, different people (familiar people, if I may add). Yet there's a similarity that is being pointed out in all of them; They're hurt. Broken, battered, unhappy, whatever you call it, they're hurt. But there's something else that quite a few point out when it comes to them... It's that they have changed. Compare Video Diary 1 to their current-selves, it isn't the same. Admit it or not, it's true. Change is often judged, for people are scared of it; change is a shift of normalcy and routine one has in their life. It can be good or bad, and as of now, it is shifting to its bad side. © CasuallyWriting & Youshouldknowkitkat. I'm currently studying as a freshie and is still adjusting, so I pretty much have no time for anything anymore. So to the people who are planning/have read this story, please understand that I won't be updating in a few months.All Rights Reserved