[I'm sad to say this story is discontinued, due to lack of determination to finish the story. HOWEVER, I am thinking of rewriting it now that my writing skills have improved. I will definitely do it if someone asks me though.] Let me hear your voice; Erase this sinking heart. I'll paint on the canvas of lies. Today again. I feel like I've reached the endless illusion. "What should I call it?" the temperature doesn't change. Before laughter eats away at my insides. I locked in today; the future I think of is grey. Fantasy that I wanted; Deserted lies. If you want, let me hear it. I embedded the love that overflowed from the heart. Ecstasy that overlapped with your voice is far away. If there's a form, if it's going to be destroyed. I don't need these two eyes; embrace me, Leia... This is based off of the vocaloid song "Leia" By Megurine Luka.All Rights Reserved