We share our world with paranormal creatures; Jinns. They are made out of Fire. THey have the power, the power to take over us, to posses us. But most choose not to. Instead most are scared, so they hide from us. Live in abandoned places, forests, woods. THey are very similar to us actually, they comunicate like us, have families like us, friends, homes. Their are evil ones, and friendly ones, christians, muslims, jews, hindus, bhudists...etc. They have societiis, built friendship. THey are everywhere, surrounding us, in sacred places but most choose to live in abandoned places, humanless places. Some say it's like two worlds, 2 universes. We can't see them but it is rumored that they can see us. If one person takes a bit of interest in them, for exaple repetedly talks about them, makes movies, books about them then the two universes clash. And something bad happens. Something very bad.All Rights Reserved