"'Nymphadora Andromeda Tonks, Listen to me okay? Dry your eyes and listen really close I have a job for you okay honey? “James said gently. The girl reached up and wiped away the last traces of tears from her eyes. “I need to you make me a promise that you must always keep okay?” Nymphie nodded. “No I need more than that. I need a yes sir!” Nymphie smiled.
She put her hand to her brow, “Yes sir. I promise, now and forever.”
“Good. Now I need you to swear to me that no matter what happens to me, you must always protect Harry. Okay? I know you’re young now. And I know that right now nothing is going to happen to me and Lily, but we have to go hide now. So just in case something happens I want to know that I have someone to look after my boy. Can you do that?” Nymphadora was young but she understood that task she was receiving from this man and could feel in her heart it would be difficult. But she would do it."
Enter a world of a young girl that has grown up around magic and mystery. Who is born into a world of warring witches and wizards and is taken out of it in the same way. Discover what this promise has done to her and how it effects her life as she grows up and becomes the wonderful and klutzy metamorphagus we all know and love.