"Professor Birch! Mrs. Birch!" Officer Jenny exclaims in her authoritative voice, setting one high-heeled foot on the ground to balance her bike, "I am sorry to have to tell you this, but we found your son, Brendan's, pokémon balls and pokédex by the river on Route 103. We don't know anything for sure, yet, but we fear that your son may have fallen into the water."
This is a boy x boy story between Brendan and Wally from the Pokémon Hoenn region video games. If you don't like it, just don't read it.
Table of Contents (With Descriptions):
Chapter 1: An Azu-rrific Transformation
Chapter 2: Verdanturf Jail
Chapter 3: A Day Together
Chapter 4: Mauville Hope
Chapter 5: Rusty Faucets Leak, Trubbish (Dedicated Chapter)
Chapter 6: Strength Isn't a Level
Chapter 7: ABSOLution (Dedicated Chapter)
Chapter 8: Victory Isn't the End
Chapter 9: Let the Berry Mulch Hit the Fan
Chapter 10: Privatized Chapters (Author's Note)
Chapter 11: Abominably Adorable
Chapter 12: Fussy Fluffs
Chapter 13: If the Internet Says It, It Must Be True (Mature Themes)
Chapter 14: A Wild Mom Appeared (Mature Themes, Smut)
Chapter 15: MINE (Mature Themes, Smut)
Chapter 16: Insidious (Mature Themes)
Chapter 17: This Means War (Mature Themes, Smut)
Chapter 18: I Love Camping (Mature Themes, Smut)
Chapter 19: Abnormally Oblivious, Stray, Defecating Students, and Aggroing Koalefants (Author's Note, Tag Challenge)
Chapter 20: I Hate Camping
Chapter 21: I'll Be There for You, Always (Mature Themes)
Chapter 22: Can't Say It (Mature Themes)
Chapter 23: Bonus One-Shot: A Porcelain Ralts (Bonus one-shot, Mature themes)
Chapter 24: What Kind of Sick F*ck Hurts Azurills?! (Mature Themes)
Chapter 25: Tidy Endings Are for Little Kid Books (Mature Themes)
Chapter 26: Role Reversal (Mature Themes, Smut)
Chapter 27: When You Are Old (Mature Themes)
The End