Jade, a junior student, comes from a wealthy family dedicated to their traditions. Her family matched her with her old childhood male best friend David. She's ready to marry the handsome David after graduating Senior High. She doesn't expect life to change much. Until one day when she meets Althea the attractive but mysterious teen whose eyes seem to peer directly into her soul. She is intrigued by the mysterious and aloof siblings, Wila, Batchi and Althea.
Althea a 114 year-old vampire who was changed in 1900 and still appears to be seventeen. She was a knight vampire who escaped from the dark castle, ruling by the King, named Stefan. She is taken by the freelance vampires (who happens to be her fake current siblings) Wila and Batchi in Sydney, Australia. She is brought back in the Philippines (where she was actually bourne) to bond and get used to human scents. She has the ability to control the elements, a gifted tracker, with an incredible hunting instincts, due to her unparalleled senses.
Althea falls inlove with Jade, a human, which happens to be a crime for vampires. Wila warns Althea befriending with Jade. She is worried that Althea's relationship with a human put their lives at risk.
Jade often noticed odd attitude, movements and actions of Althea and her siblings. Mostly, her intriguing personality makes Jade find an answer to her true identity.
After a lot of research, Jade found out that Althea is a vampire. Far from being frightened, she enters into a dangerous romance with her immortal soulmate.
A strong bond between the two women (Jade & Althea) emerges that will test Jade's commitment to her conservative family and their values.
Will Jade be able to endure the hardship of her relationship with the woman she loves?
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned in the story, or, The Rich Man's Daugther itself, for that matter. I own NOTHING. SOME plots are mine. Hope you guys love it.