"Ah... Snake? Rope? It's time for ye' to get up!" A over happy voice beamed. Joker. "... We are up." I gave a monotone reply, opening up Snake and I's tent door reviling a brightly dressed man. "Good! Ye' better be gettin' ready for t'day! We've got the new recruits joinin'!" "Hn..." He gave an awkward smile before leaving to wake up the others. I turned back around and looked up over towards Snake, Emily and Wilde resting on his shoulders. "New recruits hm?" "Says Emily." "What do you think Rope?" "Says Wilde." I grabbed my costume which was a long sleeved jumper with cuts at the end, black fingerless gloves and leather tight pants, sitting them over my arm. "Some of the recruits aren't Human." "Who?" "Says Emily." I faced the opposite direction and took off my night top then quickly swapped to the black jumper, it gripped to my skinny figure like a corset. "Black."All Rights Reserved