Nobody can predict the future. Nobody knows what tomorrow will be like. Some predicted this would happen. The others would tell those how crazy it sounded. Who knew they were right? I'm Claire Clarkson, I lived in Cali Before this all happend. It's like living in hell, or what I assume hell is like anyway. Why is it like A Living Hell? Well I live in a world that is now full of 'Walkers' Atleast that is what we call them. By we I mean me and my group. No not a group of 'Walkers' But humans, we are a small group of survivors. We aren't sure how many other survivors are out there. We have encountered our fair share of survivors. But not the kind ones, ones that are out to kill their own kind, even in this situation. I have made a few mistakes, don't judge. We are all human we do make mistakes. Just remember nothing is ever a secret long.