KARKAT VANTAS!!!! D9 Y9U HAVE ANY IDEA H9W TRIGGERING IT IS T9 IMPERS9NATE S9ME9NE ELSE, WHETHER IT IS USING THEIR TYPING QUIRK 9R 9THERWISE?? IT IS THE- KAN. I DONT GIVE A FUCK. I DID IT. STOP GETTING YOUR BULGE IN A KNOT. JEGUS FUCK KANKRI, YOU ARE WAY TO TRIGGER HAPPY. Karkat. Language. Haven't I t9ld y9u many times that that is quite triggering? Als9, I apollogise ((#sorrynotsorry)) f9r raising my v9ice earlier, as that can 6e incredi6ly triggering as well. WHATEVER, KANKRI. LETS JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET ON WITH THE GOG DAMNED STORY. JEGUS. ((Vantascest Humanstuck duh))