In the year 1922, we surround our story around Persephone, the oldest child of the Goldlocker's family, a rich prosodist bunch who clam that the only way to live is to be rich or marry rich. Persephone is now at the proper age for marriage and is betrothed to Grant Brighterten, the son of one of Persephone's fathers business partners. All is going according to plan when the world takes wind of changes outside her bedroom window, or sneaking through her bedroom window, as a bunch of drunk middle class workers mistake their house for hers. Persephone now finds herself being enchanted with the idea of free living and before she has a second thought, is racing down the streets of Chicago, yelling and screaming at the top of her lungs, as her and her new group of friends, discover, how to respect, uncover, and cherish the amazing beauty of the american dream, a dream everyone calls "mine."