In the land of Altera, created by Goddess Althea, there lies many a type of heroes and adventurers in this land. Here is the story of a male human, hailing from an unknown land beyond Altera. In the mean time, he has his own personal vendetta to sort out. As he ventures near a small village in Altera, he encounters so many problems. He gets possessed, he gets caught up with problems of the future, and is caught in Altera's endless problems. An elf girl had also been caught up in Altera's problems, and she is more than she says. If there is anything they share, it's arguments. They hate each other, but they're forced to work together. In his words, she is nothing but "haughty, vain, stuck-up, and disregards me." She in her own words, says she's "well-mannered, intelligent, and strong-willed." Too bad they don't know there's a lot more to themselves than they let on. *Disclaimer: There are parts in the story I don't own. All rights go to Dragon Nest, Shanda games, and EyedentityAll Rights Reserved
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