"What do you want me to say?" I asked, bitter and and sad at the same time.
"I want you to tell me the truth." His words hurt me more than he knew.
"You won't like the truth."
"Try me." His eyes held a challenge. He thought that, no matter what I said, he'd still want me. He'd still love me.
He thought wrong.
How could I tell him, the only person I've ever loved intimately, that I was ruined? How could I tell him that I enjoyed the murder, that I couldn't leave it? How could I tell him, even after all that I learned about The Hunters, that I didn't want to leave? That I didn't want to stop?
So I didn't.
I put on a smile, widening my eyes to make it believable. He returned it, thinking that I trusted him with the truth. I was so, so sorry that I didn't. "I want to leave. I'm tired of all this. I want to live a normal life, see our families." I half closed my eyes, looking at him through my lashes. "Have a family of our own."
He pulled me into his arms, laughing delightedly, and kissed me. "How could I not love that?" Then quietly, almost to himself, "How could I not love you?"
"Oh I..I'm I'm..?" The words wouldnt form. I backed up slowly as he cocked his head to the side, confusion on his face. Then he did the last thing I expected, he smiled. A face splitting smile that sent shivers down my spine. This was it I was going to die. I hit some kind of nerve and sent him over the egde. I closed my eyes preparing myself for the worst. I opened them to see him coming towards me. I backed up until I hit wall behind me. He kept coming until he was inches from my face. He slammed his hands on either side of my head, blocking any exit. I kept my eyes on anything but his face. "I'm.. I didn't..please"
What happens when the new guy in school is a convicted felon? Sadie is a good girl but she gets lost in his troubled past. When sex betryal and murder get thrown into the mix will they survive or will they crash and burn.