He wakes up, clear of any items or memories. He has to start over again without anyone to help him. That is, until a young player stumbled upon his new base. They start working together, building the base and working the land, but surely there's something missing. "One tree is left in a forest of ashes and embers, though it is scarred by the flames of a past it can't remember. Sad eyes endlessly search for any glimmer of hope remaining in the wasteland it is surrounded by. Beside this tired tree a sapling is born from the flames which destroyed so many others. It too has a past it cannot recall, still it is thankful to have been given a second chance. As time goes on, the old tree and the sapling learn to trust each other, and they begin to plant a new forest, one seed at a time." -- This is kinda sorta a sequel to The Blood Slave! However, it can be read independently of it. Obviously, it's another yogscast fanfiction because that's the only stuff I know how to write. c: Plz enjoy -- -- THIS STORY IS ON AN INDEFINITE HIATUS AND MAY NEVER BE UPDATED AGAIN. SORRY --All Rights Reserved