  • Membaca 447
  • Suara 23
  • Bagian 2
  • Durasi 11m
  • Membaca 447
  • Suara 23
  • Bagian 2
  • Durasi 11m
Sedang dalam proses, Awal publikasi Mar 10, 2013
Erin Smith's life has always been horrible. Shes a 17 year old blind girl who lives at a foster home in Chester Montana. Her perverted foster brother does nothing but annoy her and her foster mother does nothing but cause her pain. Then she meets Luke- well he meets her. Luke is a vampire who was hiding out in Erin's room. He turns her and she gains sight after not having it for 12 years. What will she do now that she can see and what are these weird thing happening to her?
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