Light,It only grows on for eternity. You can't see it, feel it, nor smell it. It's just there. Yet when death comes it's another story. For Gage Foster age 90, he knows his death is coming. On the night of his death a man appears to him. Telling him of the light, and how it only grows. On entering the light you are given youth, and eternity. Life doesn't stop it only grows just like the universe, and the stories along with it. Yet with eternity comes consequences. Gage's biggest adventures are just beginning. Even after death our darkness still fights us. Waging war against Humanity as we know it. For darkness only seeks greed, and death. Gage will stop at nothing to destroy the darkness. For man truly does not have freedom when greed and death is near. It's that one thing we can not see which fights with us even after death. It's name is Darkness.