'Billy, I'm sorry for making you scared. I'm sorry for chasing you. I'm sorry for everything. I just never have met anyone like you and i haven't had a crush in such a long time that i didn't know how to react. But i'm tired of chasing after you, I know you'll be too. I doubt you'll even be sad that i'm leaving. If not sad, I hope your overjoyed. I'm moving somewhere far away so you won't have to deal with me and you can find someone that you like and not be scared that i'll come after the girl. I really hope you have a great life. ~Maddie' The letter stopped there, you can tell she was crying when she was writing this from the small, dark spots on the page. I put my hand up to my cheek and wiped the tears away. Mama and Sally stared at me, giving me a 'what-does-it-say?' look. Staring into Mamas eyes, I asked one simple question that I don't think anyone has an answer to. "Mama? Why am i crying?"