A/N: This fanfic is altered from the original J.K Rowling story. Just to clear some things up, Luna and Neville became friends on the Hogwarts express on Luna's first year and Neville's second! Other than that everything is the same! J.K Rowling owns all Harry Potter characters I do not. SOME characters in the story may be owned by me but the rest is Rowling's.
Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood have been best mates for a five years now and their friendship is still as strong as ever. They used to be best friends with Ginny Weasley too, before she practically ditched them for the Golden trio they've just ended up as the Silver duo. Neville and Luna have been through a lot together and understand each other almost completely so, what happens when all of a sudden Luna starts acting different around Neville and Neville starts seeing Ginny in a different way?