One Direction is becoming more famous by the minute. Millions of girls scream their names and hope to be their's someday. "Take Me Home" was famous before it was even out. With all this attention the fame is getting to their heads.
Simon decides they need a break. They need to get away from the screaming fans, away from the paparazzi, away from the fame completey. Simon sends them to in island in the middle of the Pacific. The population on the island is small. They can't get in any trouble there. That's what Simon thinks anyway.
When the boys meet Nixie, a fun, energetic seventeen year old, they know the two months away from home won't be a complete waist. They all get along together really well. When Nixie takes them on a boat the worst thing possible happens. A storm suddenly comes they get straded at sea.
How will they survive on there own in the middle of the ocean?