Regina Mills is a twenty-five year old underrated amateur barrel racer who has held the Rosebud County 4-H Fair barrel racing record since she was sixteen years old. When touring with a group of amateur riders throughout Texas while during a run a photographer, for Rider's Digest, catches the best action shots and hands them over to his employer to help sponsor her to start riding professionally. She determined to win the rank of number one barrel racer in the world and to get to know the mysterious man behind the camera that helped her become famous. Robin Locksley or in the photography world, Robin Hood (due to never being seen in public by any subjects of his pictures due to how much he blends in with the crowds) is a thirty year old photographer for Rider's Digest and other companies associated with the magazine takes the best action shots in the business making him very sought after in the business. Robin decides to go to a speed show in Houston and captures his best action shots by far of amateur racer, Regina Mills. He turns in the pictures to the magazine and has sponsors lining up to sign her. Now she's in the big leagues and Robin knows she's looking to get to know him more since after the rodeo. This is the story how both Regina and Robin were found in a different light.