Did you ever find yourself screaming out loud yet no one can hear you? (Jessica-cheerleader) Have you ever felt lonely in a crowded room? (Tiffany-miss popularity) Did you ever try so hard to impress the one's you love yet you still feel like no one to them? (Jason-star quarterback) They have...they feel it all the time. Then there's the ones who have no one by their sides...the who's who hide behind the walls they've built because they are too afraid to speak up. (Destini - Emo girl -- Eric- Gay boy -- Chace- Loner(closet)) Up until now these six people had nothing in common...well nothing on the surface. But two people gave them hope, courage, a voice. A teacher(Mrs.Johnson) and a counselor(Mr.Knox)...two people who have walked on their path will lead them to a room where there's no more secrets, no more lies, no more pain. JUST THEM, TRUTH, LIFE... A PLACE WHERE THEY LEARN TO TRUST AGAIN!! One room that will change their lives forever. THE CIRCLE ROOM....