That feel when you read one book and end up accidentally killing your girlfriend as a result of it.
See, Frank knew reading was bad for you, although it was probably inappropriate to walk up to your girlfriend's dead body and say 'I told you so'. It was quite honestly an accident though, like Frank really did not mean to set fire to the girls' dorms, and end up killing four students as a result of it, then again, Frank really shouldn't have picked up a book entitled 'Standardised Spellbook 1989-1994' and thought that it would be a good idea to try out some of the 'spells' inside the thing, however it had just so happened that Frank was both a skeptic and an idiot, and that was easily a recipe for disaster.
There was of course also the rather unavoidable fact that he was indeed a witch, however Frank still had trouble coming to terms with what he'd done to his girlfriend, let alone how it could have happened. However, thank god, or well, a certain psychic by the name of Ray Toro, that he wasn't alone in this, because Ray knew the moment he set eyes upon the boy, that Frank was so undeniably involved with the fire, but Ray's powers weren't quite strong enough to figure out as to how.
The actual discovering of the aforementioned 'how' was left to the Way brothers, your local campus vampires and supernatural experts, well, Mikey was an expert, Gerard just kind of sat there, being the least vampiric vampire in existance - he was a vegan, for god's sake!
But it was indeed Gerard, not Mikey, that looked once at the nineteen year old and relayed him his whole life story. How Gerard had managed that, well, not even Gerard himself knew that, but he did know that he had to try his best to help poor Frank Iero bring his girlfriend back from the dead, no matter how little luck in that it seemed as if they would have.
(witch!frank) (vampire!gerard) (weeabootrashveganaestheticblogger!gerard) (vampire!mikey) (psychic!ray) (transguy!frank) (college au)
Frank's life changed forever when he was 22 years old. And it will never be the same again.
Two unbelievable, inexplicable events occured, driving off any normalicy in Frank's life. One good. One bad. But both of them crazy. Insane.
Firstly a mysterious, morbid string of murders occured in Frank's town, just metres from his house. The victims were mutilated, slits cut along their bodies. The area fell into panic, the press labelling the serial killer as 'America's Ripper'.
The second crazy thing was less of a thing, and more of a person. Gerard Way. An abnormally charming, strangly confident outcast that made it his duty to befriend Frank. But Frank has never met anyone like Gerard, and he starts to fall for him.
Together, the two of them must face the menace that haunts the neighborhood, and find out if their relationship will break or hold strong.
"Fire tests gold"
((Trigger warnings: Swearing, mild violence/gore))