Don't think this is all newsies , it's pretty much Katherine & Jack with some Sprace mixed in there !
Anyway please don't request OC's or prompts , when need I will ask ... And I do add some shameless self promotion in there for my other stories !
Also , most one shots do have explicit language , I believe like 4 or 5 have sexual situations , but there is always warnings for you younger FANSIES !
- Johanna
~I didn't put the Mature thing because it does reduce the amount of feeds I'll show up in ~
These are just a few one shot stories that I've been thinking about recently.
Each story does have sexual scenes, and some of them may have multiple parts to them.
I do not own every character I use, only a few of them I own. But all rights reserved for plot lines and personal characters. None of my stories may be used without written permission from me.
To the characters I do not own: rights reserved to proper creators.
Any characteristics or likeliness of real life people is purely coincidental and not to be taken personally.
Enjoy! :)