Set in the small town of Rosewood, the series follows the life of Cara Fenton, whose clique falls apart after the disappearance of their leader, Alison DiLaurentis.
One year later, she reunites with her friends as they begin receiving messages from a mysterious figure named "A", who threatens to expose their deepest secrets, including ones they thought only Alison knew. At first, they think it's Alison herself, but after her body is found, the girls realise that someone else is planning on ruining their lives.
Disclaimer: I do not own PLL. All rights reserved to ABC Family and Pretty Little Liars.
When their best friend Alison vanishes, five girls believe their secrets are safe forever, but they begin to receive threatening messages from someone named 'A' about their personal lives and feelings: Aspen is two years older than the other liars and forms a previous relationship with Alison's older brother Jason, so when the male returns to Rosewood; feelings resurface, leading the anonymous person to begin threatening Aspen's relationship with the young man.
❝ It's a roller coaster kind of rush and I never knew I could feel that much and that's the way I loved you ❞
pretty little liars
tv series
season two / seven
jason dilaurentis x fem! oc
status: ongoing
hellfiresoulss, 2024