A young elfin boy by the name of Link is summoned to help save Hyrule from the evil that will come. He sets out to find the three Spiritual stones to open the Door of Time along with the Ocarina of Time, in Princess Zelda's possession. Inside the Doors lies the legendary Master Sword. Pulling it from the pedestal opens the Sacred Realm where the Trifoce lies. The Triforce is made of three parts: power, wisdom, and courage. Whoever touches the Triforce gains its power. If someone with an evil heart touches it, Hyrule will plummet into darkness. If a pure heart touches it, Hyrule will become a paradise. The Gerudo King, Ganondorf, tricks Link into opening the Sacred Realm where he steals the Triforce. However, to maintain it, Link needs to balanced in the three parts. Ganondorf caused it to split, givin him Power, Zelda Wisdom, and Link Courage. Now Link has to defeat all the Temples and awaken the Sages to lock Ganondorf in the Golden Land.