In a universe where Junko Enoshima never existed, Hajime Hinata and his fifteen best friends have just graduated high school. The sixteen of them decide not to start college right away, but to explore the world in the most natural way- Take a road trip. With a seemingly-unnatural car setup and Nagito Komaeda showing up twenty minutes early to pick Hajime up, Hajime is feeling unsure about this idea, taking a summer away from his family and running away. But, he soon learns that having his friends with him is the most comforting feeling of all, and the protection of just being together can outlast anything he'd ever felt before. Join Hajime Hinata and his friends for a road trip that leads all over the place- physically and emotionally. Notes: -The seemingly-lazily-made cover will be explained in the prologue. -The only spoilers for the actual SDR2 are in the note below. -Some of the characters are a bit OOC due to the fact that this is non-despair, so some of their qualities that were only available in despair au would have disappeared (-SDR2 SPOILERS- examples: Nagito doesn't ramble about hope, Izuru doesn't exist, Mikan is still quiet and shy, Akane isn't nearly as aggressive, Saionji doesn't tease the others, Twogami is his own person, Peko doesn't serve Kuzuryuu, ). -But also, in this AU, a few things that probably would have stayed the same have changed, considering that it's an alternate universe-- (-SDR2 SPOILERS-) Like Nagito's brain diseases and the fact that he's an orphan. Nagito's luck cycle is also not present as often, although he may be referred to as 'lucky' or 'unlucky' at points. -I'm going to try my best here, hope you like it!
2 parts