*DISCONTINUED* "Your lipstick stains,on the cover of my left side ring!" Layla starts belting out in the middle of the road "what? You don't know the words to the song do you?" I started giggling like insane when she suddenly stopped "Holy mother of pure glass carrots!" I stared at her for a second before we both irrupted into a giant laughing fit literally rolling on the ground "What......was......that....for?" I said between laughter "DUDE! Two freaking one direction passes just fell from from your purse! And there for tomorrows concert! Why did i not know about this?"cue dramatic gasp "are you cheating on me with another insane slut?!" I stared at her for moment taking in what she was saying "Did you just call yourself a insane slut?" I started laughing again "I thought we had something special!" she said before fake crying. Lady's and gents I present my friend, the most melo-dramatic person on earth, Layla Broke!All Rights Reserved