So...these are my poems. After years of just writing furiously to myself, I am finally putting them out there. Fun. *yay!*
Well anyway, I hope you like them. Some of them are funny (or at least, I hope so; at least remotely)*. Some are a bit 'deep'. Still, others, are just examples of my meekness and my reticence.
Either way, I hope someone can relate in some way, shape or form. That is, if anyone actually reads them. But if no one does (sad face) then I suppose I am simply writing this description for my own personal entertainment. Pathetic, right?
Here you go....
*Ignore that. It doesn't concern the poems in the this collection.
New Change in Description:
I am entering this into the ATTY's poetry contest. I have had to delete a lot of poems formally in this work ---->
And if you notice that the titles have strange classifications beside them, such as "...a Free Verse poem', that was just my attempt to stick to the 'ten different poetry types' rule.
So, thanks to anyone who actually reads these :)