Over a thousand years have passed since a war between the gods in the world of Eishade, ended when the opposing gods, the Andlatkin were killed by the peaceful and life-giving gods, the Tarstkin. Since then, the world has turned their backs on any affiliated with the slain gods. The dreyri, monsters and demon created by the worst of the Andlatkin, roam freely and seek to destroy those who led to the destruction of their creator. Eishade is constantly on the tipping point of war, as various people and cultures fight to stay alive against the attacks of the dreyri and each other. Countries have risen and fallen in the past millennium and very little has stayed the same. The gods who once constantly intervened to provide balance have become silent and the devoted lose their faith.
Asta Traust was born of the Afridrkyn, a warrior clan descended from the Protector Veru, the leading god of the Andlatkin. Made an orphan after an attack by the Ilistari Army on their secluded village far north and deep within the mountains, she must come to terms with the world she has inherited. With the help of her sole friend and mentor Rottur Orosta, Asta becomes a mercenary in order to hide in plain sight of those who would rather see her dead. As reluctant as she is to become a major actor in these conflicts, Asta must come to terms with who she is, and who she is meant to become.
Through Asta's eyes, the narratives and personal lives of other actors are shown as they fight for power over their own lives in a world quickly slipping into chaos.
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In the epic conclusion to the Devil's Deal series, Freya has one final chance to discover the full potential of her own power, and to use it to restore balance in the universe - once and for all. After the destruction caused by Roisin, Ferya and Torix come to terms with their losses and mistakes... And prepare for a final battle that will change everything.