Intro : 2 years ago on April 19,2003 there was a huge storm that flooded world class gymnastic. It flooded the pit so they had to take all the pit out after the storm was finished to see if there was any water. A pit is a big square hole that cube foam blocks are placed in the whole so the gymnast can tumble in them and not get Hurt. There was at least a foot of water. The next day it was very cold when the level 9 went to bar one of the girls fell in and got her foot stuck in the frozen water. After 2 hours of pulling and pulling they called 911. When they came they decided to cut it off. No one really knows what happened to the foot or if they ever got it out or not. But they just put the pit back so nobody would find it. A couple day right before nationals there was a mysterious fire no one know how it started or who started it. The girl with one foot was still in the building. People believe that She was in the pit trying to find her grips she drop in the pit when she was take them off. nobody really know if the pit got on fire and she got burned to death or she died of there smoke but after that day they never found her or her body ever again. Two girls are on a mission to find out what happened and why does bad things keep happening. The girl with one foot is backAll Rights Reserved