This is a fan fiction sequel to Lucy Christopher's "Stolen." I have no rights to her book. I am just a super fan who adored the book and wanted to fan fiction a sequel which is mine :)
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronics, photo-copying, recording or other without the prior written permission of the author LUNA PINOLE. No parts of this story may be copied, distributed or plagiarized in any way.
Due to the social nature of this book being a fan fiction "sequel" to Lucy Christopher's "Stolen" - book may contain content copy written by another entity or person. Author, Luna Pinole claims no copyright to said content and cannot be held accountable for the copywriter content.
***You should really read Lucy Christopher's "Stolen" first to understand who all the characters are as this is a "sequel" (not to mention Stolen is awesome!). Even though most characters in my story are my own made up, it'll help you understand who's who.
I know most readers want to hear directly about Ty but this focuses more on Gemma and her struggles. Ty will come into the story line I promise, be patient :) Gemma is filling Ty in on the events after she is returned home. The story starts directly after his capture moving fairly quickly through the first few years. Hope you enjoy :)
****Most people who escaped a captor would run and never look back. Gemma isn't most people. What would happen if the tables turned? What happens when the captive runs back towards the captor? In the years after her abduction, Gemma tries to adjust back to her normal life but that doesn't seem to be happening. As a last resort Gemma feels the only way to quiet the noise is to head right back to where it all began. The desert. ****