Good Riddance
Most of me wanted her to go.
Take the pieces of my soul she'd crushed.
What remained were emotions I
was not prepared for, nor wanted.
The door shut loudly this time,
confirming the ink had dried and this was final.
The view from the weathered window,
brought tears, but not the sad kind.
He waited there for her, younger and
what she wanted. My hands began to ball as
the fancy car roared away.
Minutes later the feeling returned,
and a wry smile danced across my face.
The beer is colder tonight, and the pizza has
anchovies. Not because I like them, but
because she never let me. And
when my appetite returns, I may just eat one.
It's poetry,
"Take time to smell the roses"
when we are all busy chasing
the name, fame, and dreams
where we forget
almost ourselves and
the surrounding beautiful things
to see in this chaotic life.
it's to inspire all those little things
and value our precious lives
and cherish the moments we
Share in the journey.