Harmony Smith was just your regular not so regular teen. She has been pretty secluded since her mom died giving her the rebel look.She also doesn't have many friends only two who are the total opposite of her. Faith was the average girly girl.She was a cheerleader, wore girly things,and had the jock beside her as her "boyfriend". Hope her other friend was kinda a hipster and love it. Hope was really cool with everything and her life goal was to be the opposite of Faith because even though they were twin sisters she did not want to be preppy she hated it with a passion.Harmony is also a hipster but a little more quiet and less sarcastic to people at her school unlike Hope.She also like to just say "Okay." a lot and soon enough people stop talking to her except her friends.But... What happens when they get a new kid and he hears rumors about Harmony and decides to make a bet with her one she would hate. But she says "Okay." Then realizes what she just got her self Into.All Rights Reserved
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