Louis and Harry's life together started with a glance, a smile, and a hello. And here we are, one year later with an engagement ring on Louis' finger.
Over the course of another year, they have been planning their big day, wanting everything to be perfect. Finally, their wedding day arrives, both of the boys excited to get married.
But after the honeymoon phase ends, will the two be able to adjust to life as a married couple? Sure, nothing has changed drastically, but being married brings on a whole new set of responsibilities.
When Louis finally gathers the courage to voice his desires of wanting to have a baby, will Harry believe they are ready? Or will he shut the idea down, not ready to be a dad?
Louis' nightmares have come back, scarier and more vivid than ever. When Louis refuses to get help, how will Harry handle waking up in the middle of the night to blood curdling screams?
Will the two realize that married life isn't all it is cracked up to be?
Or will they finally have their happily ever after?
Harry and Louis have been friends since they were young, only living a street apart for years. They played with toy trains and paper airplanes, they walked into their very first and very last day of primary school hand in hand, they asked each other embarrassing questions that left their cheeks tinted pint as they navigated puberty through middle school, they shared their first kiss together because they were too nervous to ask anyone else, they blurred the lines constantly between friendship and something more.