"I am so sorry honey, I wish it didn't have to be this way. I would love it if we could be together as a family, but that wont... work out sweet heart." a tear trickled down her cheek. Jennet glanced at her husband "I've done this four times already it's your turn" she wispered through tears. John nodded and picked up the baby rapped in cloth and rang the bell. The door creaked open to show bright light and a woman dressed in a dark blue night gown with bags under her eyes. "Please take care of our child" he said to to her with sadness in his voice. "All right" she croked taking the child in her arms. After the door closed shut Jennet burst into tears and ran into johns arms. They cried together that night until it got too cold to bare. "We've got to go" the man said who was holding her with great care. The sad mom looked at the orphanage sign and wispered "I just gave away five of my most prized possessions... my kids"All Rights Reserved