Spoilers for Batman Arkham Knight!!!! After the events of Arkham Asylum and Arkham City comes Arkham Knight. The hellish Halloween when Scarecrow threatens Gotham, Oracle and Sybil are in the clock tower sending information to Batman. Sybil still upset and struggling to get over the death of her best friend and lover, Jason Todd. When the Arkham Knight captures them is there a reunion about to unfold and possibly one of Batman's allies about to turn on him? Ok so that up there is kinda....ok really crappy. so basically I was bored and wanted to read a story for Arkham Knight and none of the ones I was reading really satisfied me so I figured why not write my own. I was never good at writing little summaries for my stories but apparently to everyone of my friends I've sent the preview chapters to liked to so what the hell might as well put it up so here goes nothing. I hope you like it :)All Rights Reserved