*Formerly known as Singer, Songwriter, Contestant and Harry Styles twin sister*
Think of emerald eyes, chestnut brown curly hair, a smile that could break hearts and cheesy jokes. A dream of every girl, right? WRONG. Well, partly. Skylar Nathalie Styles is surely not the person you've thought of.
But now that you're already here you can also read of the struggles of outing herself as Harry Styles' twin sister while trying to become a "serious" artist through the X Factor.
While being bombarded by the media there's one thing that she easily noticed: Never have ever so many people wished she were an identical twin brother of Harry.
Beware, in this story there will not only be one dense puppy like girl, no, there will also be girl problems, boy problems, communication problems, music problems....and pretty much everything that should NOT happen meanwhile Skylar (aka Harry's sister aka the puppy aka the weird ass girl in the closet) tries to make her way into the music business.
14 year old Skylar Moore has been living a lie her whole life. She's not who she thinks she is. Her family has been keeping a secret from her, a secret that will change her life forever. But, for better or for worse? How will she react when she finds out the secret? Will she wish she was never born? Or will she carry on like nothing happened? Join Skylar and her new life of drama, chaos. pranks and tears.
One thing that Skylar has learned,
Never Trust Anyone