I'll protect you, my little princess
  • Membaca 113
  • Suara 3
  • Bagian 3
  • Durasi 16m
  • Membaca 113
  • Suara 3
  • Bagian 3
  • Durasi 16m
Sedang dalam proses, Awal publikasi Mar 14, 2013
Jessica Ross and Ben MacDonald have been best friends ever since they first met at dance 2 years ago. This year, they end up carpooling to the big compition in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Ben promises Jessica's mother that he'll keep her safe and out of harms way. But when they get to Halifax and start dancing, some weird things begin happening, and Ben must keep his promise of protecting his best friend-even though it gets a little hard! Along the way, they both realize that even though they joke about it, they DO trust each other, and they both realize the have some weird feelings for each other, as it becomes more confusing and dangerous.
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