The war between humanity and the giant, humanoid monsters, we call titans, have finally come to an end. Ten years after the discovery of titan-shifters, humanity has been fighting, and has finally won. During this war, humanity had lost the majority of its population, wiping out innocent citizens, and some of their best troops. Still, celebrations were made to honor the victory of humanity's survivors. After fighting this battle for so long, they thought all of the pain would end. However, the real suffering has yet to come...
In this book, you'll get a behind the scenes look at how your favorite characters were born, my creative process, and the dirty details never before revealed.
Tex's Camp Q&A: Come sit by the fire and ask me whatever you'd like. We can roast marshmallows, tell scary stories, and hang out in the comments like a big, happy family.
Gator's Backstage Pass: A place full of secrets. Learn the-sometimes embarrassing-details on how my wildest scenes came to life, facts about the characters, the process, and myself.