Nienna Amandil was and is a very unusual Elleth. Her hair is black as the night sky (she had subtle silver streaks that give her the unusualty) but was soft as feathers, her eyes a dazzling blue that looked as if made of Ice, her skin is fair and (if not for her black hair) she would completely disappear in the snow, which coated the mountain (and Forrest that surrounded it) that she lived in/on, she is 6' tall, she is 2,467, she is so beautiful that men that walked through the mountain pass and had seen her thought she was a ghost or spirit of some sort.
On their mission, the fellowship must pass through her Mountain pass.... After an incident two centuries ago she does not take to kindly to strangers. She was hunted and then when captured.... she was tortured. She now wears her hair over her ears.... Why? Well you'll find out.
I do not own Lord of the Rings. I do own Nienna and the parts of the plot I made up.