Caspar Richard Lee is a 21 year old South African aspiring singer that moved recently to the cold streets of London-England to pursue his dreams. Joseph Graham Sugg, on the other hand, is a famous 23 year old troubled composer who's looking for the next big sound to work with. The musical genius, however, has a huge secret. One that he's been keeping from his fans and the entire world. On a cold rainy night, they both bump into each other in a pub, where Caspar finally gets his big break. From there on out, their incredible journey begins. There will be Music, complicated feelings, Romance, facing fears, realising your true self, and more. Will it be a happy ending for the two lads? Find out for yourself. (PS: 1- I don't own any of these YouTubers. 2- Some Youtubers might make an appearance. 3- it's an AU 4- Any funny business (copying ideas) and I will report you!)