I can't open my eyes. I here a monitor, it beeps every 5 seconds.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
I try to open my eyes to see where I am, but it's like something is holding them down. I move my hand to my eye to take whatever it is off. Then I hear a voice, a familiar voice. Christians.
"Is she awake?"
Another voice. This one isn't so familiar, but it's a male voice.
"no way, shes been dead for 2 years and we all know that."
All? Who else is in the room?
"Her hand though." someone says.
I sit up with a jerk, nothing is on my eyes, I was just to weak to open them.
There are 7 people in the room. Christina, Peter, Caleb, Cara, Uriah, Zeke, and Tobias. Tobias!
"Tris?" Christina says. Tears coming down her cheeks.
"Your alive!" She says laughing.
I don't have any questions because I already know the answers.
Everyone else seems to be in shock.
"Hi." I say to everyone else.
"oh my God." Cara says with a straight face.
Everyone just stands there looking at every single detail of my body.
"Tris!" Zeke finally says.
"Zeke!" I say
"You know my name!?" he says with relief.
"Yeah, why wouldn't...oh! Because of the memory serum! Nah, I have all my memory."
"Can we do some tests on you?" Caleb says.
"I don't trust you" I respond.
"Tris, that was 2 years ago."
"I haven't had time to forgive you." I respond
"Is this a dream?" Peter says
"Yeah. Is it?" Uriah says
I ignore them and start taking tubes out my body.
"I don't think you should do that" Caleb says
I ignore him and keep doing what I'm doing.
I take all the tubes out and stand. I lose my balance at first, but Tobias catches me.
I smile at him. He is obviously still in shock so I don't want to say anything until he says something to me.
I'm wearing the clothes I died in, I can see the bullet ones.
"Are we in the city or compound?" I ask
"Compound" Christina responds with a smile
Zeke and Christina seem like they are the only ones excited to see me, everyone else must still be in shock.