I guess i've always been different, not unique, not weird, just different. I've always been the girl to sit in the back of the class and not pay attention to anything the teacher said and never really caring what they said. But I always had to get good grades cause if i didn't my parents would be on me and talk to me more then they already do, so that means grades up. I always had a not so good relationship with my parents since i was about 13 and my dad knocked up my mom and had my little sister. Which made me the middle child, and that sucks cause you get the least amount of attention. My older brother is and forever will be the golden child, every family member knows and loves him and my parents always talk about the great things he does. But they never see the things he does, they are always going to think he is innocent. And then with have the younger sister, the princess, the one who gets everything see lays eyes on. And then we have me. I'm very independent because I never had anyone i could rely on or could trust. I have friends but I have never had a best friend. I've never had a boyfriend, but i'm not innocent. A lot of people see me as a girl with a perfect life and a perfect family, but thats really overrated.