A adalah Garapan novel dari revisi Hacker Vs Detektif (2016), i will tell you the reason in one of the part in this story. MAAFKAN APABILA ADA KESALAHAN BAHASA INGGRIS DIDALAM CERITA INI, SAYA MASIH BELAJAR DAN MARI SALING MENGINGATKAN. ------------------------------ ------------------------------ SYNOPSIS "The one important code is just 'Trust me', is that too hard?" -----Shelyna Flow----- "Thats the problem, its breaking me up when i lost all of my life that caused i wouldn't to trust you." ------Lorenzo Miller------ I want to suggest all of my readers to try to trust each other in somerelation, -Whatever is it- The trust is one thing you can't underustimating. So guys, lets try to trust them who have anyrelation with us (Family, friendship, relationship etc) and always be positive.❤