At the age of 16, the first name of your soulmate appears on your left wrist. So on Patrick's sixteenth birthday, he was both surprised and disappointed at the name on his wrist. Peter. Surprised because it was a guy, disappointed because he knew many Peters. The majority of people meet their soulmate around ages 17 or 18, and some even as late as 19. Patrick, being 20, has had enough with this soulmate crap.
So when he works his minimum wage job at Starbucks, and someone named Pete orders coffee, he waves it off for two reasons. A, He said his name is Pete, not Peter, and B, he'd given up on this "soulmate" search long ago.
But Pete, who is 25, is desperate to find his soulmate. When he finds out his barista's name matches the one on his wrist, he nearly throws himself at Patrick, who neither believes in soulmates, nor true love. Can Pete change his mind?