The third installment of the Super Nova Series takes off with a rushing start. When Nova leaves her friends, family, even her boyfriend behind for weeks without contacting any of them, everyone grows worried about the fate of their friend and family member. When she does eventually find her way back, shocking changes are revealed that end up costing her everything. And, causes her to suffer a devastating loss. Dealing with pain, heartbreak, and fear, Nova finds herself back where she began: living in the woods with her friends. But, something was different this time. The bounty on her head was bigger than ever. After Nova gains even more powers than she already had, she finds one more obstacle she must face: emptiness. She must deal with the stress of everyone looking to her for answers, the pain of loss, and worst of all the emptiness of losing her friends, family, and powers. As Nova frantically looks for answers to all her questions, she must try her hardest not to fall to the emptiness that Cleo is trying to enforce in her, her friends, and her family. But with losing a new power each day and trying to figure out a plan to save them all, she needs to think fast as everyone slowly dies off. Can she do it in time, or will the country remain in the grasp of the Government? This is definitely going to be the best of the three books, with lots of action, suspence, and even a small bit of love.
Also, for the cover photo, I want to thank @FuryOfZeus for the design, she was the only one who entered anything, so she won the contest and this is her entry.
A lost soul trapped by his past hungers to prove that even the most innocent can be corrupted. So he makes a bargain with deadly consequences. In order to fulfill this bargain he must enter the one place where his nightmares began. And to make matters worse the ongoing attraction to his beautiful victim causes an all out war within himself. Just as he follows his heart and forgoes his carefully laid plans he discovers fate will not be denied. He has to make a choice. To save the girl he loves, damning his soul to enslavement or walk away clean and leave her in hell. Even as his soul cried out in despair he knew he had only one choice. And in doing so, ultimately saves himself.
Nova lived a normal life. She had her crazy sister. her grandfather and her friends. Then one night a dark angel appeared in her dream or should she say nightmare. She didn't have time to think much on it as the same dark stranger showed up, invading her life. Little did she know that this was no angel at all. But a demon hell bent on stealing her soul.