My name is Mel Mei Kobayashi. I'm fourteen, and the Unova region's latest champion. I don't know what happened to my Mom, but now it's a family of four sisters fending for themselves. It can be... Comical, and at times precarious, but it's fine. Just wait til' you see the stuff we deal with.
It doesn't take just any old trainer, it takes guts, power, talent, empathy, and a little bit of-um... Something, to live with three older sisters dealing with boys, training, school, and responsibility.
Where do I begin?
Basically a whole lot of shipping stuff from the youngest sister's point of view...
(Don't worry, there will be explanations for
Mel/Mei's team: Serperior, Archeops, Hydreigon, Zekrom, Kyurem, Black Kyurem.
Fox/Touko's team: Samurott, Haxorus, Krookodile, Rayquaza, Zekrom, Arceus.
Ryuu/Kotone's team: Feraligatr, Charizard, Sceptile, Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-Oh.
Rena/Hikari's team: Torterra, Lucario, Flygon, Garchomp, Shaymin, Dialga.
Yeah, some really awkward moments in here. Beware.
She was the one that was going to teach him what affection was, what being loved felt like.
And he was going to teach her how thrilling a secret can be.
I do not own any of the obx characters.