When four girls, three of them seventeen, and one sixteen, almost seventeen, meet in probably the strangest way possible, they find they have a lot in common, and become quick friends. For one thing, they all have unusual colored hair, and they all feel drawn to different elements: fire, earth, air, and water. As they try to fit in at horrid high school, difficult because of their hair color, they learn a secret. A secret that helps them find out who they are, but also puts them in danger, the dark elements know who they are and have sworn to find them, and hurt them.
Ray is low on time, luck, and hope; his only chance is an artifact that may not even exist. But upon meeting Landon, Ray is beginning to believe he might find all four.
Cambions are doomed to tragedy. They are weak, sickly creatures that rarely live to see their twentieth year. Ray refuses to resign himself to that fate. Upon learning of the Crimson Sheath-an artifact capable of preserving his life-Ray is prepared to fight, steal, and kill to get his hands on it. He is not prepared for Landon. Landon is an orphan with no memories of his parents, the only inheritance left to him a dagger, sleeping in a crimson sheath. Though he has no love of bloodshed and no use for a dagger, Landon isn't about to let Ray take his only link to his forgotten history, even if that means following the cambion past the edge of the world and into the shadow beyond.
Content Warnings: Violence, semi-graphic gore, character deaths, profanity, mild drug and alcohol usage, abuse discussed but not shown, and morally-questionable people doing morally-questionable things.