Chapter 1 In the beginning Uasgi was a normal girl. Then she met a cat named Luna. Uasgi was a nice girl she never had friends until one day when she turn into sailor moon. That’s when jettie had a evil plan to get rid of little sailor moon brat. Jett has already failed one mission to get energy for queen beryl. One day uasgi she just a normal girl that just goes to school. Just then jettie came to her school to have fun to get energy for queen beryl that was fun to him because uasgi didn’t know who is doing this to these people that never like but feel sorry for all of them. Then uasgi met Ami the smart girl. Uasgi said” hi to Ami and Jet.” That’s what they call him the school that uasgi went. End of chapter. Chapter 2 Jet asked uasgi out on a date to go see the movie called footloose. That day uasgi went on the date to see the movie that was so cool to both couples but then jet fell asleep by mistakes that’s when the movie was over uasgi had the best time of her life so she picked up him up and uasgi drove off with him in the car. She asked her parents if he can spend the night at her house because he was asleep. So her parents said yes. That’s when uasgi picked up jet again and put him on the couch where he slept and that’s was funny to her that jet is at her house asleep. End Of chapter.All Rights Reserved