Leading means taking mortal risks. Hiding is not an option.
With a tumultuous year behind her, Valerie is ready to start a life that doesn't include running from enemies and risking her life. Too bad someone wants her dead. No matter how much she resists, Valerie is thrust into a position where it is up to her to lead the Conjurors against the power-hungry Fractus or suffer the consequences of two worlds ruled by those who wield magic as a weapon. But the clashes don't stop on the battlefield. As Valerie finds herself torn between her new love and her best friend, it will be up to her to figure out who she can't live without.
In the fast-paced second novel of The Conjurors Series, Valerie searches for the father she thought was long dead and begins to come to grips with the immensity of her new power.
The battle has begun.
Guardians of the Boundary (Book 3 of The Conjurors Series)
36 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte
36 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
The battle is over. Now it's war.
Valerie's entire life has been spent fighting for survival. But now, the stakes have never been higher, and her enemies have never been more powerful.
The Fractus have proven that they won't hesitate to kill those who stand in their way, including the people Valerie loves. And their path of destruction is growing-on Earth and the Globe. With Reaper always one step ahead, Valerie must find a way to change the game, or risk never catching up to an enemy with the conviction and power to upset the delicate balance that protects those without magic from being exploited.
As the Fractus grow in number and strength, can Valerie convince enough Conjurors to fight by her side against a menace that could upend the universe?
In the third novel of The Conjurors Series, Valerie has the life she's always dreamed of-a family, a budding romance, and powerful magic that she is finally learning to harness. She also has an enemy determined to rip it all away from her.